yosemite private tours yosemite private tours
yosemite private tours yosemite private tours
Yosemite Private Tours L.L.C



• 100%导游带领,客制化,私人 旅游

• 第一个也是唯一的私人旅游业者到优胜美地

• 最好的小团体和家庭订制化加州旅游

• 开通过阿尔塔蒙特山口风电场及中央山谷

• 开在乡村间耕地的农村道路上

• 早餐/休息在当地农民市场

• 观望湖区,黄金矿业城镇和隐密瀑布/p>

• 参访最大和最古老的巨型红杉树林

• 冰河点-远远超过大峡谷壮观!

• 观光优胜美地山谷的自然奇观和瀑布

• 徒步到优胜美地瀑布,春天瀑布或镜湖

• 观望半穹顶,埃尔卡皮坦,大教堂岩石&哨兵岩

• 捕捉高塞拉利昂令人叹为观止的原野

• 导游带领步行游览优胜美地真正红杉树林

• 在优胜美地的蝴蝶森林是最古老和最大的红杉林的家


第一天: 为什么选择优胜美地国家公园两日探险之旅而非一日游吗?你知道吗?优胜美地一日游很有限只能参观优胜美地国家公园的1%。优胜美地一日游光是车程从旧金山 来回就需各5小时。换句话说,优胜美地一日游的游客只有很短的时间享受优胜美地国家公园,一个超大的国家公园,等于罗得岛州和特拉华州的结合。此外,海拔 因素也很重要,从旧金山前往优胜美地高平原(8000英尺或更多),因为我们位于海平面上。

然而,优胜美地两日探险,涵盖最优胜美地普及和隐密的景点和自然奇观,包括优胜美地峡谷奇观,蝴蝶森林巨型红杉,和壮丽的冰川点;是优胜美地最壮观 的景点。这些景点和精湛的山野的观光是一日游无法完成的。此外,你将获得高品质的时间,享受导览步行和登山旅游,和你可能想参访的任何景点。你还将探索美 丽不为众人所知的景点,湖泊和黄金矿业城镇。我们的优胜美地两日游是全年每日出发搭乘4X4 SUV和豪华全景厢型车。

加入优胜美地私人之旅"的热情和优秀导游,让他们陪同你一趟惊心动魄的冒险,探索优胜美地国家公园的著名景点和隐密宝藏!你的专业导游会在你住的旧 金山酒店上午八点接你,或在旧金山湾区任何地点和边远地区,包括中央山谷和优胜美地国家公园。我们的导游将带你避开拥挤的公路和巴士而开过农田和中央山谷 后山道路,是美国最大的农业山谷。你会从优胜美地国家公园南端通过蝴蝶悠闲小镇,是加州黄金开采最古老的城镇之一。午餐会奥克赫斯特或蝴蝶小镇使用。之 后,出发去一个新发现的冒险,将带你到蝴蝶森林,是巨型红杉的家,是优胜美地国家公园的历史最悠且规模最大的。我们的导游会陪同你走这平缓的登山步道,这 里有著名的灰白红杉,是优胜美地里历史最悠久规模最大的巨型红杉(几乎有2700岁!)你还会看到许多其他巨型红杉,包括堕落的君主,加州隧道树,学士和 三女神。


第二天: 早餐后,我们的导游将会帮你办理退房,并带你去一个新的探险旅程到优胜美地的旷野和高平原。你将前往冰川点,是优胜美地国家公园最壮观和迷人的高山远景 点。从停车场一小段的步行将带你至美丽的冰川点。捕抓冰川点的全景,一览无遗地观看整个英俊瀑布,包括春天和内华达州的瀑布,半穹顶,高塞拉利昂白色景点 包括克拉克山脉和云朵。从这个壮观的经典景点,你还会看看到优胜美地谷底,瀑布等等。这个惊人的观望是远远超过大峡谷,你不会失望。请注意,在冬季和初春 冰川点是被封闭。然而,在冬季我们经常为客户提供其他类似的景点。

午餐后,我们将往反ˋ至优胜美地谷底,在谷底享受导游带领的步行游览。优胜美地山谷是令人惊叹的地质特点是幽深的峡谷,高耸的悬崖,悬谷,巨大的花 岗岩墙壁,包括半穹顶,埃尔卡皮坦,大教堂岩,皇家拱门,三兄弟,大教堂尖塔和哨兵岩石圆顶。优胜美地的地质是大自然的艺术杰作。

几个令人兴奋的步行也将带你到新娘面纱瀑布和著名的优胜美地瀑布,从皇家拱门前降至2400英尺下的优胜美地山谷底。优胜美地瀑布由三个瀑布组成; 优胜美地上段瀑布,优胜美地中段瀑布,优胜美地下段瀑布,这三大瀑布结合成优胜美地瀑布,在北美最高的瀑布。一个选择性的登山步行也能带你到韦纳尔瀑布或 镜湖。

为什么要选择一个私人旅游? 痛心地说,大家都知道观光巴士旅行团多么不方便!借选择一个私人旅游,你实际上选择质量而不是数量!我们热情的导游非常清楚地知道优胜美地国家公园著名和 隐密景点,他们将带你去其他旅客无法看到,还可以自订自己的行程游优胜美地,且是根据你的特殊旅行需求,行程和接送时间。至于有会没有小孩的夫妇,我们根 据你的旅行需求来考虑到你的特殊旅游需要和特殊要求来组织我们的旅游行程。对于大自然爱好者和摄影师,我们知道在何时何地,带你到正确的位置,享受完美的 曝光点和灯光。与登山者和大自然爱好者一样,我们将陪同你到一些在人迹罕至的徒径上去观看最棒的景点,包括巨型红杉和瀑布的奇观。

预订: 你还可以确保你的预订在我们安全在线预订页面,以节省时间和金钱。只要我们收到你的预订,除了我们的商业收据外,我们会寄一个"旅游券"给你作为行程确认。你也可以提供给你的朋友和亲戚的礼品证书,或简单地在我们的安全网站预定,其余的就交给我们处理。

提示给我们的客户和登山者约定两日的优胜美地国家公园行程: • 请携带一个小旅行袋,由于我们车子有限的行李箱。 • 登山旅行衣服,靴子,泳衣,防晒乳液,和最后的防虫喷雾。 • 凉爽的夏天夜晚薄外套及在冬季和春季阵雨雨衣保暖层。 • 在优胜美地步行需喝大量的水,由于海拔地形关系。 如果你会晕车,这一点很重要,你需请你的医生给你正确的药物,如此一来你和其他旅客才可以享受旅游

我们的优胜美地国家公园一日游说明 "优胜美地是加州皇冠上的明珠

第一天: 为什么选择优胜美地国家公园两日探险之旅而非一日游吗?你知道吗?优胜美地一日游很有限只能参观优胜美地国家公园的1%。优胜美地一日游光是车程从旧金山 来回就需各5小时。换句话说,优胜美地一日游的游客只有很短的时间享受优胜美地国家公园,一个超大的国家公园,等于罗得岛州和特拉华州的结合。此外,海拔 因素也很重要,从旧金山前往优胜美地高平原(8000英尺或更多),因为我们位于海平面上。

然而,优胜美地两日探险,涵盖最优胜美地普及和隐密的景点和自然奇观,包括优胜美地峡谷奇观,蝴蝶森林巨型红杉,和壮丽的冰川点;是优胜美地最壮观 的景点。这些景点和精湛的山野的观光是一日游无法完成的。此外,你将获得高品质的时间,享受导览步行和登山旅游,和你可能想参访的任何景点。你还将探索美 丽不为众人所知的景点,湖泊和黄金矿业城镇。我们的优胜美地两日游是全年每日出发搭乘4X4 SUV和豪华全景厢型车。

加入优胜美地私人之旅"的热情和优秀导游,让他们陪同你一趟惊心动魄的冒险,探索优胜美地国家公园的著名景点和隐密宝藏!你的专业导游会在你住的旧 金山酒店上午八点接你,或在旧金山湾区任何地点和边远地区,包括中央山谷和优胜美地国家公园。我们的导游将带你避开拥挤的公路和巴士而开过农田和中央山谷 后山道路,是美国最大的农业山谷。你会从优胜美地国家公园南端通过蝴蝶悠闲小镇,是加州黄金开采最古老的城镇之一。午餐会奥克赫斯特或蝴蝶小镇使用。之 后,出发去一个新发现的冒险,将带你到蝴蝶森林,是巨型红杉的家,是优胜美地国家公园的历史最悠且规模最大的。我们的导游会陪同你走这平缓的登山步道,这 里有著名的灰白红杉,是优胜美地里历史最悠久规模最大的巨型红杉(几乎有2700岁!)你还会看到许多其他巨型红杉,包括堕落的君主,加州隧道树,学士和 三女神。


第二天: 早餐后,我们的导游将会帮你办理退房,并带你去一个新的探险旅程到优胜美地的旷野和高平原。你将前往冰川点,是优胜美地国家公园最壮观和迷人的高山远景 点。从停车场一小段的步行将带你至美丽的冰川点。捕抓冰川点的全景,一览无遗地观看整个英俊瀑布,包括春天和内华达州的瀑布,半穹顶,高塞拉利昂白色景点 包括克拉克山脉和云朵。从这个壮观的经典景点,你还会看看到优胜美地谷底,瀑布等等。这个惊人的观望是远远超过大峡谷,你不会失望。请注意,在冬季和初春 冰川点是被封闭。然而,在冬季我们经常为客户提供其他类似的景点。

午餐后,我们将往反ˋ至优胜美地谷底,在谷底享受导游带领的步行游览。优胜美地山谷是令人惊叹的地质特点是幽深的峡谷,高耸的悬崖,悬谷,巨大的花 岗岩墙壁,包括半穹顶,埃尔卡皮坦,大教堂岩,皇家拱门,三兄弟,大教堂尖塔和哨兵岩石圆顶。优胜美地的地质是大自然的艺术杰作。

几个令人兴奋的步行也将带你到新娘面纱瀑布和著名的优胜美地瀑布,从皇家拱门前降至2400英尺下的优胜美地山谷底。优胜美地瀑布由三个瀑布组成; 优胜美地上段瀑布,优胜美地中段瀑布,优胜美地下段瀑布,这三大瀑布结合成优胜美地瀑布,在北美最高的瀑布。一个选择性的登山步行也能带你到韦纳尔瀑布或 镜湖。

为什么要选择一个私人旅游? 痛心地说,大家都知道观光巴士旅行团多么不方便!借选择一个私人旅游,你实际上选择质量而不是数量!我们热情的导游非常清楚地知道优胜美地国家公园著名和 隐密景点,他们将带你去其他旅客无法看到,还可以自订自己的行程游优胜美地,且是根据你的特殊旅行需求,行程和接送时间。至于有会没有小孩的夫妇,我们根 据你的旅行需求来考虑到你的特殊旅游需要和特殊要求来组织我们的旅游行程。对于大自然爱好者和摄影师,我们知道在何时何地,带你到正确的位置,享受完美的 曝光点和灯光。与登山者和大自然爱好者一样,我们将陪同你到一些在人迹罕至的徒径上去观看最棒的景点,包括巨型红杉和瀑布的奇观。

预订: 你还可以确保你的预订在我们安全在线预订页面,以节省时间和金钱。只要我们收到你的预订,除了我们的商业收据外,我们会寄一个"旅游券"给你作为行程确认。你也可以提供给你的朋友和亲戚的礼品证书,或简单地在我们的安全网站预定,其余的就交给我们处理。

提示给我们的客户和登山者约定两日的优胜美地国家公园行程: • 请携带一个小旅行袋,由于我们车子有限的行李箱。 • 登山旅行衣服,靴子,泳衣,防晒乳液,和最后的防虫喷雾。 • 凉爽的夏天夜晚薄外套及在冬季和春季阵雨雨衣保暖层。 • 在优胜美地步行需喝大量的水,由于海拔地形关系。 如果你会晕车,这一点很重要,你需请你的医生给你正确的药物,如此一来你和其他旅客才可以享受旅游



价格是每位 私人2天SUV之旅包括住宿
1 名顾客 $3,258 $2,998
2 名顾客 $1,629 $1,499
3 名顾客 $1,319 $1,089
4 名顾客 $1,099 $899
5 名顾客 $999 $799
6 名顾客 $869 $639
7 名顾客 $799 $599

我们的优胜美地 一日箱型车游价格

旅行价格: 每組價格 私人2天VAN之旅不提供住宿
私人2天VAN 之旅包括住宿
1 - 5 名顾客 $5,199 $6,089
6 - 7 名顾客 $5,669 $6,979
8 - 10 名顾客 $5,999 $7,439
11 - 12 名顾客 $6,119 $7,729
13 - 14 名顾客 $6,349 $8,079

** 包括 **


12 小时的私人 4X4休旅车或全景箱型车并附代一位专门的旅游导游司机,根据你的选择和参加人数而定。


选择性的顺道旅途 在优胜美地公园的隐密瀑布,和或黄金矿业城镇


不包括: 膳食和司机小费 , 額外的時間和可選收費 **注意** :出于安全考 虑,由于大雪关系,冬季在红杉森林登山是选择性的,但并不推荐。

secure secure secure shopping       secure shopping
共计 $ US
mn dy yr























Check-out our customers’ authentic testimonials


10 Stars! Fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, patient, & very professional guides in a warm & engaging manner.

Yarmila Kova,Prague Czech Republic


Our Bucket List overflowed, a wonderful day in an amazing park with the perfect tour guide!

Katheryn Kennedy, London


Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite Wonderland, found on TripAdvisor & we were not disappointed!

The Jamesons Cydney, Australia


A wonderful day in Yosemite National Park wilderness, totally exceeded expectations! The best experience ever!

Erin Newcastle, UK


Treated like a King & Queen! Breathtaking, OUTSTANDING and A MUST See!! Without any hesitation, 5 stars!

Loreena’s family, Madrid, Spain


They are consummate professionals who really care about their customers' wellbeing and experience - a must do!

Rob & Martha, Baton Rouge


Impressive! Their Ability to organize, understand, customize, entertain, and educate are unforgettable experiences!

Natasha C Calgary, Canada


A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience and a Must Do! Don’t think twice. Trust them and you will not be disappointed!

Bill & Kristin Cleveland, OH


Magical & Majestic - believe every good thing you read about this tour company; you will not be disappointed!

Mike and Jane Nashville

Read more reviews:

Nine days San Francisco, Monterey, Hearst Castle , Mammoth Lakes & Yosemite National Park Travel Package

We waited 2 weeks to review to be sure we weren't still dreaming. So great was our time with this tour company. The tour started with a full day in San Francisco with Mary, our first driver and tour guide who is a native of the city. So, we really experienced S.F firsthand. Then our trip continued with Adam for 3 days to Monterey and Carmel, including somehow a front-row seat next to the 18th green during a PGA event a Pebble Beach without passes! He taught us how to be great actors! A dream picture op for this golf fan. Then Leo, our next guide, took us to the coast beyond Big Sur, including a tour of Hearst Castle. The trip ended with 3 plus days in Yosemite and across the Sierras wilderness. Yosemite National Park is truly magical - the longer you stay, the more you fall in love with it! This park is massive with breathtaking sceneries everywhere you look (giants sequoia, bears in the meadows, waterfall, alpine lakes and a lot of snow in the high country). Our guides couldn't have been more knowledgeable or considerate, especially getting us to every place we gave them on a considerable agenda before we even met them on day one. We saw and did far more than we expected, and they went well beyond the scheduled hours every day. If this reads over-the-top, it's because our experience was way over-the-top. They certainly exceeded our expectations, just as they said they would, and we are so glad we traveled with Yosemite Private Tours.
Richard and Karen Wild
Logansport, IN

The Perfect family vacation in Yosemite & Mammoth Lakes


We enjoyed every moment of our Yosemite and Mammoth Lakes travel package with this tour company. We have been to Yosemite before, but this time, we were more excited about our trip to Mammoth Lakes and Eastern Sierra. Our guide, Adam, took us on an unforgettable drive to Mammoth Lakes, Mono Lake, Bodie ghost town, Lone Pine, and other off-the-beaten-path places we have never even heard of. He also took us hiking to places like Devils Postpile National Monument and Rainbow Falls, with acres of stunning mountain scenery. We loved all the attention to detail and the efforts he made to accommodate our family’s changing plans. We were pleasantly surprised by the complimentary upgrade to the Westin Monache Resort in Mammoth Lakes. This is a very elegant resort and in the best location in Mammoth Lakes. It reminded us of our vacation to Switzerland with similar awesome landscapes. Book with Yosemite Private Tours. They are trustworthy, and you’ll be in good hands

A.utchel@ Austin, Texas

2 Day Private tour of Yosemite


Our Yosemite experience was amazing! Within a few minutes of meeting our guide, Leo, we knew we were in for a fantastic adventure. On our way from our San Francisco hotel to Yosemite, Leo knew where to stop at historical points, where to stop to pick up the best sandwiches, and readily answered our many questions. When we arrived at Yosemite, we knew Leo was in his element. He is very knowledgeable and shared interesting facts with us such as the history of Yosemite, the damage caused by fires and insects, as well as ongoing recovery and protection efforts. He knew the perfect places to stop for photos and hikes to see all the most beautiful venues. Leo even assisted us with our luggage. Without a doubt, Leo gets Five stars for making our 2 days in Yosemite a lifetime memory.

Kathy C. Christchurch. New Zealand

Fabulous 5 Days in Yosemite


We chose Yosemite Private Tours off the internet and it turned out to be a truly a golden choice. We are from NY, so Yosemite was a big investment that turned out to have many dividends. Our guide, Leo, was an outstanding young man who had excellent knowledge and experience in leading groups and couples. He had terrific ability to adapt the tour according to our particular needs. Leo picked us up promptly at our hotel in Oakland and after the tour dropped us off at our hotel in San Francisco. Driving the 4 hours to and from and spending the 5 days with Leo was like spending the experience with our adult son. He made the trip truly special and went out of his way to accommodate our every need. Leo knew the history of the park--and the surrounding area--as well as the many features of the park offering options for us to choose. He also knew the best places to eat. Walking shoes are a must and if you are more adventurous call Yosemite Private Tours for more specific needs. They are most gracious and helpful.

Joe/jsmaurer. New York City, New York

Excellent Tour experience of Yosemite National Park


My family and I booked a 3-day Yosemite Tour through Yosemite Private Tours. We couldn’t have had a better experience. A lot of our positive experiences were thanks to our guide, Leo. He is extremely knowledgeable about the Yosemite National Park area, and he took the time to understand what activities were important to us and what was not. We highly recommended both Yosemite Private Tours and Leo!

Tony W Dublin, Ireland,

Tom was fantastic and deserves a 10-star review!


We had the most amazing time. He was very courteous. He was also very knowledgeable and continually spoke about points of interest on our travel to and from Yosemite, as well as a very comprehensive guiding tour while in the Park itself. We felt very taken care of as he made sure all our needs were met. He was incredible when it came to taking pictures. We found this extra special. He brought us to majestic areas and continually asked for our cameras (we had 3) so we would have family pictures and memories for a lifetime. I asked if there was a waterfall we could view; Tom went out of his way to find me one. We found him to be a lovely, warm gentleman that enjoyed what he did and most of all made sure he created a beautiful day. We still are talking about it. We have traveled many places and have had many tour guides. Tom is a gem and we were very lucky!! He made our trip to Yosemite truly amazing!! All that are lucky enough to book your tour and have Tom as their guide will be guaranteed a fabulous trip!!

Thank you. Randi Kamen and family . Cincinnati, Ohio

Lake Tahoe & Yosemite tour experience


While visiting relatives in Silicon Valley, we decided to go on a trip to Lake Tahoe and Yosemite park. After reading through TripAdvisor’s reviews, we picked up this Yosemite Private Tour company, and it lived up to its reputation. Our tour guide was Adam, he is so much fun - very interesting, accommodating, and very knowledgeable. He knows the name of every single tree and rock we saw along the way between Yosemite and Lake Tahoe. He kept us well entertained and showed us more attractions and places than we expected to see in both Yosemite and Sierra mountains. He simply exceeded our expectations. This tour package cost us a bit more than we anticipated, but it was worth every penny we spent. What an amazing trip around Lake Tahoe after a 3-day custom adventure to Yosemite national park - a wonderful destination and highly recommended.

JKumar, Bengaluru, India

Look no further, this is the real Private Tour Company


My sons and I planned a Mother/Sons get away to San Francisco to spend some quality time together. Preferring convenient and hassle-free experiences, we explored our options of private tour companies. Lucky for us, we selected this tour company. We booked three of their private custom tours: Alcatraz and San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Yosemite National Park. Both Mary and Jon are 5/5-star guides, and you will not go wrong with either of them!

Voyager79756 Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Worth it!! Be prepared for very steep hills, windy roads, wildlife


I loved having my own driver. We used them for 2 days with different amounts of time and boy am I glad we did. Driving in Yosemite mountains is not something I am familiar with, but our guide was! Knowledgeable, courteous, and on time. Loved not having to drive, park, or know where go and where things are. Coming 'round the mountain sure sounds like fun, but the fact is that traveling steep slopes on narrow mountain roads can be challenging at best. Mountain driving is very different from driving in flat land. In addition to changing weather, be prepared for very steep hills, windy roads, wildlife... am I so glad we had a professional driver like Adam.

AmytheFranz. Plantation, Florida

Yosemite National Park Private 3-Day Tour Package


We just finished a wonderful tour of Yosemite National Park with Leo. First, our guide Leo was wonderful - patient, friendly, professional, amazing hiker guide and very helpful. Use whatever adjective you want - he made the trip so enjoyable and doable for my wife and myself, since we are getting on in years. I am 80 and my wife 77. As a result, we certainly could not do the activities we once could. That said, Leo and Yosemite Private Tours were able to structure our daily activities, so we saw Yosemite National Park in an in-depth yet relaxed way. We could not have made the tour without Leo and we truly appreciate the three days spent visiting the Park.

The hachadourians’, Westchester, New York


***** 遗愿清单目的地 *****




